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Candlelight Yin Yoga + Ceremonial Cacao Journey 

13th December  18.30 -19.45



Join me for a beautiful evening of nourishing Yin Yoga with heart opening Ceremonial grade Cacao (Plant medicine) by candlelight.


Each Journey we will work with a different meridian channel which stimulates a particular energy in the body, each channel works certain internal organs and chakras where we hold blocked and stagnant energy. Through the different Yin poses we hold for extended periods of time; this allows the build-up of energy to be circulated through the channel with a new energy. Allowing these to come up and then be removed. Increasing the abundance of pranic energy for healing and health.

It is a practice of stillness and deep work.  All asanas are either sitting or lying down positions.

When emotions are repressed, our body stores them in our deep connective tissues. Yin Yoga poses help to gently dissolve those body traumas, and, in the process, heavy emotions can arise.


Working with Ceremonial Cacao before we go into the Yin Yoga sequence allows us to dive deeper into our subtle and emotional body, as this feminine spirit work with us and through us as an energic heart opening Medicine, she allows us to. Cacao helps you step into your emotional self without getting wrapped up with it.

She assists in energetic healing and gaining clarity in the areas of love, purpose, intuitive abilities, career and personal growth. 

Cacao is a powerful tool to dive deep into your soul, your most inner self.



The Liver Meridian - Governs happiness.

The Gall Bladder Meridian - Governs worship.

The Kidney Meridian - Governs creativity.

The Urinary Bladder Meridian - Governs peace.

The Spleen Meridian - Governs confidence.

The Stomach Meridian - Governs satisfaction.

The Heart Meridian Known as the meridian of forgiveness.

The Small Intestine Meridian - Governs joy.

The Lung Meridian - Governs humbleness.

The Large Intestine Meridian - Governs self-esteem.

The Pericardium Meridian - Governs generosity.



What is Yin Yoga


Yin yoga is quite different normal yoga classes, Yin works deeply into our body with passive longer held poses.

It targets the deepest tissues of the body, our connective tissues, fascia, and meridians. This is contrast to a yang yoga practice such as vinyasa which targets the muscles. 

Energetically, yin yoga improves the energy flow, enhancing the flow of chi in the organs. Yin offers extremely powerful emotional and mental benefits. 


Benefits of regular Yin Practice

Calms and balances the mind and body

Reduces stress and anxiety

Increases circulation

Releases fascia and improves joint mobility

Balances the internal organs and improves the flow of chi and prana


Yin yoga and deeper healing 

Becoming still in a pose and staying for a while creates gaps in our mind. Keeping the gaps empty creates space for anything that wants to come up. This could be anxiety, happiness, sadness, memories, any emotion or feeling you suppress with all the busyness in your life. 

Yin Yoga give you the time and space to allow emotions, thoughts and feelings you have kept in the shadows, to surface. During a Yin yoga class, you will be encouraged to allow all those feelings to be there, but not to identify with them. To observe but not to get caught up in them. It costs the body a lot of energy to keep things suppressed, so the release you feel from letting it all come out can be just as big. 

This helps to clear the mind of these unconscious emotions and thus gives your system an opportunity to work through the blockages those emotions have caused the body. 


"Each Yin pose is an opportunity to crawl into ourselves and stay a while"

Sarah powers

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Opening the circle with Heart medicine ceremonial grade Cacao

Grounding Meditation

Pranayama (breathwork)

Yin Yoga sequence working on a particular meridian pathway

Grounding and closing circle

Oracle cards

To Book your place

 WhatsApp Lesley Anne:  07538029364

Spaces are limited due to the emotional element of this work

 classes are kept small

Women only classes

Energy Exchange £25 pp

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