Breathwork for The Feminine
New moon Monthly Online Women's portal
12th December 18.30 - 19.45
This monthly New Moon portal will be online for the Feminine to
access a direct portal to self through Conscious Connected Breathwork.
This type of Breathwork can take you to many places, reaching higher and altered states of consciousness, but it can also bring up deep trauma and emotional releases.
It is a self healing technique that helps people to access the full potential of their breathing system for better physical, emotional and mental well being.
As human beings we hold onto tension within our bodies and in doing so create physical, mental and emotional blockages. This technique helps release these blockages and transform your life and energy.
Its an incredibly healing modality when delivered by an experienced and trained practitioner.
I knew when I first experienced this breathwork on a personal healing experience I had to train to be able to facilitator this magic and share with others.
If you would like to join myself and other like minded sisters in this monthly new moon portal please reach out via what's app or email
We will be opening the December portal with the new moon in Sagittarius.
Sagittarius is the explorer, the adventurer, the renegade. Maybe its time you made that journey to self exploration through your breath and explore what is possible.
The Sagittarius spirit is aways seeking a new level of wisdom and insight without any judgments of it source. So, Channel your inner guru and start your search for wisdom in your own breath.
I look forward to seeing sisters called to explore this magic.
Energy Investment £25
No Refunds of Exchanges
Once Purchased your ticket you will be sent an online link to join
Every emotion is connected with the breath. If you change the breath, change the rhythm, you can change the emotion.