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Astrology Readings


A natal chart (birth chart) is an astronomical snapshot of the stars based on the exact day, time and place you were born. This reading indicates your character traits, behavioural tendencies, hidden desires, and the directions your life might take.

Diving deep into your natal chart can really help you understand yourself on a more deeper level.

Astrology can help you pinpoint your Achilles heel, as well as your glory. Studying and knowing more about your birth chart can help you transcend your weaknesses and maximize your strengths.


Your Big Three Reading

Your moon, Rising and your Sun sign. These are the three pillars of your personality.


Your Moon Sign

Relates to your emotions, instincts, unconscious and your inner being, the part of you that you see. In essence, the Moon represents the side of you that reacts before you have time to think. The moon sign is more hidden aspect of your personality. Your moon personality is a part of you in some respects you find disturbing. its your inner core which feels hate and jealousy, broods and is fearful, and had fantasies that you often even deny to yourself. 


Your Rising (Ascendant) 

Is the sign that reflects your outward demeanour and to a great extent determines how the outside world looks at you. Its your image, what the world sees first in you, the impression that you make first on people. This sign is also know as the sign of self. Your self awareness, your self interest, your self sufficiency. In many ways your rising signs relates to your goals, aims and objectives, and indicates the main thrust of your creative powers. It is your mask of outward appearance. 


Your Sun Sign 

The position of the sun in your birth chart governs your individuality, your distinctive style, and your drive to fulfil your goals. Your sun sign is like the role you have been given in your grand drama. you are the leading actor in your own story, and the role you are acting is your sun sign.



Information needed for this reading 

Your full date of birth Day/ Month/ Year

Place of birth

Time of birth

Energy Exchange £44



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Venus Placement Reading 


Venus is the planet of love and pleasure. It rules over your capacity to express affection and to enjoy beauty. In addition Venus lends your personality allure and desirability, and tells what kind of sex appeal your possess.

Looking at your position of Venus in your birth chart can help you answer questions such as, Where do your creative talents lie? What kind of lovers do you attract? What kind of happiness are you looking for?.

This Planet governs the higher emotions. It indicates how you related to the opposite sex. It rules your ability to love and share with another person, and what artistic leanings you have.

Being the planet of pleasure, it points to the kinds of things you are drawn to and in what your spend your time and money on. Venus also influences if a person puts more importance on pleasure or self discipline. 



Information needed for this reading 

Your full date of birth Day/ Month/ Year

Place of birth

Time of birth

Energy Investment Exchange £22


Dark Moon Lilith Placement Reading 


Lilith points out where you have unconscious fears, memory of rejection and shame, trauma. Your Lilith placement can be the key to mapping blockages in your life. Lilith relates to your inner authority, sensuality and sexuality. how you choose or don't choose to go against the grain and defy norms. She can reveal your unique sensual nature and seductive powers, as well as other parts of yourself you may not always be willing to express. 

Your Lilith sign can make you feel exposes or empowered, depending on how confident and self directed you are, and when uncontrolled, Lilith can also reveal your obsessive or destructive tendencies. It is your primitive impulses and behaviour in their rawest form. The dark side of your personality, buried deep in the subconscious realms of our psyche. Your shadow self.


Information needed for this reading 

Your full date of birth Day/ Month/ Year

Place of birth

Time of birth

Energy Investment Exchange £22


Full Birth chart Reading 

This reading contains everything you need to know to understand yourself, your path, your challenges and your strengths in this lifetime to allow you to have more awareness and compassion for yourself. its like reading a soul book of yourself . Although we have this deep inner knowing its always beautiful when the stars and planets share with us the magic we already knew that awaits us inside.

This reading covers your sun, your moon, your rising, your north and south nodes, Venus and mars placements, the house placements each of your planets sit in and any other strong important placements that are unique to your destiny.  

It is a full comprehensive report that is yours to keep and refer back to. Astrology is so deep and vast there is always so much more to learn and explore this is a great starting point as I go deep without getting to complicated with advanced astrological terms.


Information needed for this reading 

Your full date of birth Day/ Month/ Year

Place of birth

Time of birth

Energy Investment Exchange £66

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